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Primera Cumbre
Segunda Cumbre

Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Organizations 

2, 3 y 4 de Noviembre
Estadio Mundialista de Mar del Plata

“The Encounter of the Condor, the Quetzal and the Eagle”


Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Organizations

The Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Organizations -prior to the IV Summit of the American States- which will take place from October 30 to November 1º of  2005, in the City of Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The IV Summit is called for by the United States and Canada, political and economic agreements will be signed during the Summit, and the signatory countries compromise themselves to comply with these agreements in the coming years. 

At the national level, the organizing of the Continental Summit is being carried out by a Local Operating Committee.

One of the Objectives of the Continental Summit is that the content of the resulting Declaration be legally binding for Indigenous Peoples and urges and commits the States to fully respect it as well. That rights are not denied and the States commits to: to elaborate and implement legal measures jointly with Indigenous Peoples in the decision making process.  The agenda items of the Continental Summit are:

  • Indigenous Peoples,
  • Free-determination,
  • Territoriality,
  • Biodiversity,
  • Self–development  and inter–culturality.

Other outstanding issues that affect Indigenous Peoples are the International Agreements such as the ALCA, CAFTA, TLC, NAFTA, MERCOSUR, these are important issues for the future of our Peoples. 

The Continental Summit is a tool to move forward and provide continuity to the processes already initiated by the various Indigenous organizations in the indigenous continental movement with clear objectives; specially since the States are the responsible structural bodies excluding Indigenous Peoples in the Public Politics.

The States should not just showcase Indigenous Peoples as a cultural exhibits, to the contrary. We should arrive at the IV Summit of the Americas with a strong voice and conviction that reflects the main political demands that we, Indigenous Peoples, have made to the States.   

Executive Secretary Continental Summit of Indigenous and Peoples Organizations

Lavalle 437 4º “B” (1047) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

Tel./Fax: (0054) 11 4326 - 2940



Secretaría Cumbre Continental de Pueblos y Organizaciones Indígenas
Lavalle 437 4º ‘B’. (CP 1047) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Tel./Fax: 0054 11 4326 2940
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